Come play at the #SearsHoliday twitter party, 12/17 1PM ET, $200 in prizes

And with an exhale we can say ‘the shopping is finished!’ do our Snoopy dance and get ready for Christmas and the rest of the holidays.  Finished or not, the #SearsHoliday twitter party at 1PM ET on 12/17 will be a chance to have fun, win some gift cards from Sears or get some last minute tips.

Peanuts 26 animated Christmas Santa Snoopy

Truth be told I can’t fully relax on the shopping yet.  There are still a couple of small items and stocking stuffers that need to be purchased.  Most of them for the children, but a couple of them are for the wife.    With any luck said small gifts for my wife may come from the ideas that will be flowing at  #SearsHoliday twitter party.

To participate is simple.

Follow the @Sears, as well as co-host @SearsDeals.

RT this:

Take part in the part on Tuesday, December 17 at 1 PM ET.  Be friendly, answer questions and chat using the hashtag #SearsHoliday.

Now you can exhale.  Tweet well and have fun at the #SearsHoliday twitter party-see you there!


Published by

Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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