Need a #PersonalShopper this Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas? #Ad

This is a sponsored post.  I’m a Sears blogger and all thoughts are my own. Oh my, we are right on the cusp of the gift giving season aren’t we?  Time is a finite commodity and it seems to be in even shorter supply during the last three months of the year.  What if you had a #PersonalShopper that could suggest things, do the research and compare the prices for you?  They’re not going to buy them for you, don’t get delusional; but it’s free advice on the products that you need and are going to purchase.

Personal Shopper Image

It’s quite the deal.  Pick anything in any product category and a #PersonalShopper can provide real world experience, compare brands and tell you the real skinny.  The #PersonalShopper isn’t a flack for the product company, they’re real people, who just happen to shop lots and want to share their opinion.   The Personal Shoppers are free, quite helpful and in some cases quite charming and witty.*  *I’m a Personal Shopper and am totally talking about myself now.

If you’re a shopper and like to guide people to the best products have you considered becoming a Personal Shopper? We’re always looking for shopping specialists to help people with what they want to purchase.

The best part is you can put your hard earned skills to work and make some extra dough. Ah, the profit motive.  I shop for the family and know lots about certain segments, namely toys, superheros, tools, ninjas, appliances and electronics.  If I can provide people with tips about the products I’ve purchased you bet your bippy I’m doing it and you can too.

You’ll earn commission on every qualifying purchase your friends and family make at Sears, Kmart or Lands’ End. That’s extra cash that you can use to upgrade your tech device or pay towards your Layaway. Sign up and start earning.


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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

One thought on “Need a #PersonalShopper this Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas? #Ad”

  1. If any of your wonderful readers are in search of this Free SYWR perk I am here to assist them. I have been a Concierge Personal Shopper Since Summer of 2012 and enjoy saving people time and money. Having a Personal Shopper is free for all SYWR members. If your not a member you will get a member Id when you enroll! I have helped my clients save over $2000 on items since Aug! Having a Personal Shopper also makes you eligible for SWEEPS so you can win and save even more! Get my Personal Shopper newsletter with over 50 toys coupons too! I help you save more and your purchases help Aiden’s Journey a 3 yr old boy with Kleefstra Syndrome.
    ~Happy Shopping ~Melis

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