Register to win 1-or all of the toys on the Kmart Fab 15 Toys List

Now that our kids are getting older the joy and manic energy of Christmas morning is much more enjoyable.  Our oldest equates things he’s looking forward to by the number of naps.  At first it was the number of naps until the beach, his birthday and now it’s Christmas.  If your child isn’t saying what the go-to toys are this Christmas then you can consult the Kmart Fab 15 Toys List

As a bonus Kmart is giving away one of the toys to various winners and one of all of the Fab 15 Toys to one very lucky winner.    It’s simple to enter and it took me 2 minutes.  Just find five toys that you like, click the “Like it” button and once you click on five you’re entered.

Disney Doc McStuffins

The perennials like Barbie, Elmo and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are in there, but so are some newer ones like Doc McStuffins and Plane’s Dusty Crophopper.  Parents of a certain age will be amazed to see that Furby is back!  This toy was huge in the late 90’s and is back with new technology, a new look and those same Furby eyes.

Furby Boom Figure

There are boys and girls toys and they’re listed by age, so it’ll effortlessly provide Christmas gift ideas.  Did you see the new LeapPad Ultra Learning Tablet from LeapFrog?  It’s like the tablet that you have (and that your children want to play with), but with the parental controls and learning apps that you want them to have.

All of these items are available for points in the Shop Your Way Program.  Those points are worth cash and you can discover more things that you didn’t know that you needed, but you do.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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