Raising real money with #TrueBlueSchools from Georgia Natural Gas #ad

The age old quandary of school parents is how can my school raise money?  Selling products that you don’t need leaves a bad taste in your mouth, both metaphorically and in real life.  Georgia Natural Gas is raising money for local schools by doing what they do, providing natural gas.  Signing up #TrueBlueSchools is simple, doesn’t add to your bill and can raise real money for your Atlanta school fundraiser.

Real money is relative, but in this case we’re talking about $5,000 in a matter of months, $10,000 in a year and more than $40,000 over the course of the program.

The schools can do whatever they would like to with the money- buy books, art supplies, musical equipment, computers or anything they need.

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If you’re coming to Georgia Natural Gas from another company then visit TrueBlueSchools.com and select which school you’d like to receive the money.   Georgia Natural Gas will pay $5 a month to your school.  If 100 people sign up then that’s $6,000 a year that would be donated to that particular school.    Schools receive checks every quarter and there is no limit as to how much they can receive.  All that plus you can save .15 per therm on your gas bill.

Sign up is simple:

  • Visit www.TrueBlueSchools.com and decide which school you’d like the money to go towards.
  • Enter some basic information.
  • Use the code TRUEBLUE to receive a .15 per therm discount.
  • You can also call them at 1.866.ONLY.GNG to sign up by phone.

If you’re already a GNG customer simply call them or visit the website and select what school you like.

Since 2008 The True Blue Schools Program has donated close to 2 million dollars to local schools.  Northwestern Middle School has earned over $19,000, just by people switching to Georgia Natural Gas.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


I was compensated for this post, all thoughts are my own.  I am a GNG customer and like for the schools near me to have money.  

Published by

Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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