Joovy Bicycoo Balance Bike review: Stylish, helpful and kids love it

What kind of freak would steal pedals to a children’s bike, I thought to myself when I first saw the Joovy Bicycoo Balance Bike.  It was then explained to me that the pedals were never there and that a balance bike helps young children learn and practice their balance.  Why can’t children just learn by falling off their bike the way that I did, my old school self said in my inner monologue.  Enter the Joovy Bicycoo Balance Bike, a product you may not think that your toddler needs, but they do.

Technology changes things, often time for the better and if removing pedals from a bike helps children learnt to ride then I’m all for it.  Today’s balance bike is related to the Draisine, a chain and pedal-less bike that was invented in 1816.     That invention never quite took off because it wore down people’s boots and people just didn’t get it-just like me the first time I saw the Joovy Bicycoo.

Joovy Bicycoo Balance Bike

After thinking about it some more, the concept, feasibility and functionality of a balance bike made perfect sense.  However, when our 3.5 YO son first saw it he said, “where are the pedals?”   I thought about explaining the Fred Flintstone method of it moving, but figured that his youth might get in the way of that metaphor being effective.

Just sit down and use your feet as the pedals.  When you need to stop simply use the brakes with your left hand and drag your feet.  I explained this to him over and over for countless days and then one day, he wanted to go for a bike ride.

He started out ‘walking’ the bike, which was hilarious.  He’d straddle the middle bar, walk around and say “I’m riding my bike daddy!”  After a week of this he realized that he can sit down, pickup his feet and then the ride is much more fun.

At first he’d pick his feet up for a moment, but then he started to keep them up off of the ground for distance of half a house. Half a house became one house, then a house and a half and now he can keep his feet off of the ground for two houses. Joovy Bicycoo Balance bike

He’s to the point now that he loves riding his bike and has shown real interest in a ‘ big boy bike’.   Our belief in balance bikes was further increased when an older man in our neighborhood said to us, “is that a balance bike?”  He went on to tell us that one of his grandchildren used a balance bike, loved it and could subsequently ride a bike better and quicker than their friends.

For us it’s not about better and quicker, it’s just about better.  The fewer times that he can fall off a bike and learn to ride it himself without training wheels is preferable.  I’m not going to put bubble wrap around our child, I know he’s going to fall.  But if he can develop a stronger sense of balance using a balance bike then, again, I’m all for it.

The Joovy Bicycoo Balance Bike looks cool and for good reason-it won design awards at Europe’s largest trade show.  Made of aluminum it’s strong, yet lightweight, which is important for the little people who’ll be steering it.  The tires are filled by air, which is normal for regular bikes, but is not the standard for balance bikes.  It also has a hand brake, which most balance bikes don’t have, which teaches children how to use them.

Bottom line:  the Joovy Bicycoo Balance Bike will help your 3 YO get their balance and learn how to love a bicycle.  Simply look at other balance bikes and the quality is evident.  The price point is more than entry level balance bikes, but those have cheaper (non air filled tires) and don’t have a hand brake.    You get what you pay for; this is a great balance bike that’ll get your child off on the right pedal.

We were provided with a product for review purposes.  All thoughts are our own.  

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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