The Starbucks #VIA Moment Instagram contest #Spon

I do like my caffeine.  Most of the time it’s iced, sometimes it’s hot, but it’s always caffeine and somehow, magically makes the day become 5:00 so much quicker. As a stay at home dad these moments have to be timed and need to happen during the late morning or early afternoon for me to make it to the finish line.  Starbucks and Life of Dad have teamed up on a groovy contest to highlight how important coffee can be to us all.

Using Instagram people can make a :15 second video that highlights how they enjoy Starbuck’s Via.  It’s compact pouch full caffeine goodness in several flavors, just heat the water, pour the pouch and that’s it.

Witness our :15 of family fun.

Granted Spielberg won’t be calling soon, but it was fun and certainly illustrates the busyness of a stay at home dad.  The winner of the Starbucks #VIA #LifeOfDad Instagram contest gets a $500 gift card to Starbucks, 2nd place gets a $200 gift card and the third place gets a $100 gift card.  That’s not too shabby for you goofing around on Instagram, is it?

Starbucks VIA

All of the entry details are here.  It’s super easy to enter and has the potential to totally offset your Starbucks bill for at least one month.  Now get off of the internet and start creating your :15 of Instagram Starbucks VIA caffeine party.

In addition to making fly videos, we were compensated by Starbucks and Life of Dad. 

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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