The Deep: Here be Dragons is all age comic book fun at its best

The Deep: Here be Dragons is a three issue mini-series comic book about the Nexton family.  They’re the typical family of a mother, father, brother and sister, but they’re highly skilled Aquanauts who are exploring things deep under the ocean.  The brother is a prankster, the sister pushes her parents, while mom and dad are just trying to keep it all together, in addition to the ship and their mission.

In Here be Dragons the Nextons are on their submarine when dad is looking at old maps.  After some small earthquakes there have been reports of large animals in the sea. He notices that on his old maps those areas are marked with the words, ‘here be dragons’.

The Deep Here be Dragons cover

The kids are curious, mom is cautious and dad wants to find out if they are really there.  They get the submarine in the direction of the area and see a Blue Whale Shark that had been chomped in half   From there they briefly meet the massive creature that did that and the adventure begins.

This is a great all ages comic book because there is nothing objectionable in anyway, but is entirely enjoyable without being lame.  There is action, great illustrations, realistic family dynamics, a familiar/yet foreign environment and sea monsters.

The Deep Here be Dragons

The Deep is written by Tom Taylor with art by James Brouwer.  The only marginally thing that kids won’t like is the image of the Blue Whale Shark, but that’s not too frightening.  When the ships are in the water and need a larger scale the images follow suit and show you a wide shot of the water and other critters.  In the close up shots with the kids the art is effective and showing the smarmy and energetic looks of a brother and sister.

Best of all, all ages means all ages.  If your child is old enough to read they’ll be OK and really enjoy The Deep: Here be Dragons.

Every Wednesday new comic books come to your local dealer.  We’ll review some of the ones that are making an impression on us on Wednesday (and sometimes Thursday).  Reading is cool; teach your kids the love of words on paper by whatever medium they are interested in. 

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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