Too Much Coffee Man Favorites #3 is gleefully manic

Somewhere aligned with the single pane of The Far Side and the four panes of Life in Hell sits Too Much Coffee Man.  The nonlinear humor in Too Much Coffee Man is similar to Far Side, yet it has the same recurring characters, much like Life in Hell.  Is Too Much Coffee Man funny?  You bet, it was one of the first independent comics I purchased in the early 2000’s and still packs buckets of wit with sublime, detailed illustrations.

Too Much Coffee Man Favorites #3 collects 26 cartoons that are drawn in classic Sunday paper style.  That’s the all color style that demands space to appreciate the art and really tell the story of our caffeinated hero.    The humor in TMCM is brought about by a combination of the art and the story.  In some panels the funny thing is what is not said, others present the wit right there and others have warped, creative cartoons to bring the reader to his world.

Too Much Coffee Man

Too Much Coffee Man is a man, a superhero with a human body and a cup of coffee for the top of his head.  He drinks coffee from his own cup, using his hands.  One of his friends is Espresso Guy, a very drool looking hipster who always looks like he’s on the edge.  Too Much German White Chocolate Woman With Almonds is another friend.  She looks like a pale folk singer with almonds stuck to her face.

The humor in TMCM is not crude, but folks under 15 probably wouldn’t get it.  A good example of this is when TMCM makes the bold statement of saying that he’s going to fight injustice, tyranny and evil.  Espresso Guy says “that’s really great”, TMCM punches him out of the apartment and says “I’m fighting sarcasm too!”  Me, I laugh out loud just describing some of his comics.

Too Much Coffee Man 2

If you’re a fan of Monty Python you will love TMCM.  Ditto Life in Hell.  Shannon Wheeler does all of the art and words to Too Much Coffee Man.  He lives in Oregon where one can easily imagine the multitudes of coffee shops that might’ve produced this character.


We received a digital review copy of this comic for review from Comixology.  All thoughts are our own.   Every Wednesday is new comic book day.  Comic books are an excellent way for children to enjoy reading and stretch their imagination.  Every Wednesday (and/or sometimes Thursday)we’ll take a look at some of the books that are new and interesting. 


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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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