Super Siblings #1 is a comic book adventure that’s written for geeks and their kids. Super Siblings is a weekly comic strip about the adventures of Courtney and Conrad, who are also super heroes, The Scout and The Banshee. Their parents don’t know about their super powers or their alternate life as the savior and scourge of Bay City.
Frankly I was surprised that I liked Super Siblings. I’m not normally a fan of black and white comic books. I know I should be able to look past the lack of color, use my imagination and enjoy the art, but I just like my comics colored. After reading Super Siblings #1 I saw that it started out as a weekly comic strip and that the comic books are new.
Well that clears things up a little bit. The flow of the comic book introduces us to Scout who is in outer space saving the world. He hears his mother calling him, with his super hearing and has to rush back to Earth in time for dinner. Meanwhile Banshee is berating her henchmen for allowing Scout to foil one of their evil deeds. Right in the middle of the interrogation she hears her mother calling.
Super Siblings is fun to read. Its tongue is placed firmly in cheek for adults reading the comic book. Adults will also enjoy reading the weekly series, which is aimed just a bit more at them, but can be enjoyed by any age.
You get a peek at the weekly comic strip at the back of Super Siblings #1. There is much more family interaction and you get a feel for the personality of the mother, father and the family dynamic.
Do not be surprised if you feel yourself thinking of Calvin and Hobbes. Super Siblings is very imaginative and gives you a glimpse into what children are thinking in the superhero corner of their mind.
Every Wednesday is new comic book day. Comic books are an excellent way for children to enjoy reading and stretch their imagination. Every Wednesday (and/or sometimes Thursday)we’ll take a look at some of the books that are new and interesting.