Star Trek: Into Darkness-strong villain+classic cast=great

How to review a Star Trek movie, there are many ways, do I explore the mythos of the franchise and how the reboot treats the characters in their second outing?  I could just look at Into Darkness as if it existed in a vacuum and ignore the history.  It’s kind of like Christmas songs.  Just because someone records a Christmas song doesn’t mean it’ll be great, even if I love Christmas. 

Continuing that twisted metaphor, Star Trek Into Darkness is great from whatever angle you look at it.  I am not a Star Trek purist; I’m a casual fan that enjoys this current version much more so than the other one.   I know the characters obviously, but I didn’t know the name of Kahn’s ship until I attended the movie.  (Botany Bay, for the record)

For the Trekies

Into Darkness is packed with inside jokes, character relationships and snappy dialogue that you will revel in.  Some of the lines came so quick that the crowd drowned out the volume immediately afterwards.  The action is fast, large and respectful (to my knowledge) of the series.  Keep an eye out for several surprises, some of which are obvious and a couple that are not.  Look for key guest roles from ex Doctor Whovians and Deep Space Nine.

There is one WTF moment where I was thinking ‘now what is he doing here and how is that possible’?

For the Movie Snobs

Into Darkness is not the Skyfall of its franchise.  Skyfall was more than a James Bond movie.  It was serious pop culture, a landmark number and had great action.  Into Darkness is very good, great even, but it won’t convince those that are turned off by ‘Star Trek’ to watch it.

For the Casual Movie goer

Even if you don’t know your Trek from your Wars this Star movie will entertain you.  The characters are distinctive, well cast and nobody seems out of place.  The opening sequence lets you know who is the rule follower, technician, smart guy, the couple and more.

The action in Into Darkness is fast, well paced and big.  Even in the beginning the 3D sequences are nice and highly detailed.  However, after the first half the 3D wears thin and is barely noticeable.

Benedict Cumberbatch is amazing.  He plays the mysterious villain who may or may not be an anti-hero.  Cumberbatch is to Into Darkness what Daniel Day Lewis was to Lincoln.    It’s the voice.  Oh my, when you hear Cumberbatch taunt Kirk or explain something you just want to close your eyes and concentrate.  If I still had an answering machine I’d offer my kingdom for him to record my outgoing greeting.

The rest of the cast is really good too, but the thing that was missing from the last Star Trek movie was a strong villain.  Into Darkness has it and the reward is a much better movie.

As a scale, Star Trek Into Darkness is much better than Iron Man 3.  It’s slightly more intelligent popcorn fare for the summer that you will thoroughly enjoy.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

3 thoughts on “Star Trek: Into Darkness-strong villain+classic cast=great”

      1. Loved it and would like to go see it again. (We saw it in 3D and it was worth the extra cost.) I loved the references to the old shows and movies, the special affects and action were awesome, the actors wonderful, etc. The only thing that bothered me was JJ Abrams use of lens flair as I just don’t understand the point of it.

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