How many questions does a toddler ask during a day?

How many questions does a toddler ask in one day?

Why are stay at home parents so exhausted at the end of the day?   I read a sarcastic article that said that parents are tired because of all the questions they answer during a given day.  I put forth  the question of how many questions does a toddler  ask by marking down each time our 3.5 year old asked me a question.  Just for the sake of making it fun I also wrote down the questions, hilarity ensues.  

Some of the questions were expected and many were repeated several times during the day.   Our focus group of one woke up at 6:30 AM and went to sleep at 6:30 PM.  His cousins did come over at 4:00 which gave me time to supervise the group, give my ears a break and see how 8, 10 and 12 year olds deal with the spoken equivalence of pi.

The questions

Is today a cereal day?  (It’s what he asks when he wakes up.  He’ll substitute pancakes, Nature Center or doughnut for cereal on different days)

Is Mommy going to buy pizza?  (For the record, she did, and it was yummy)

What’s happening?  (Asked several times during the day)

Did the cat poop? (Yes, she did, in the litter box)

Did Wilson pee? (Wilson, the dog, yes he did, inside L)

Can I get my eggs?  (When he’s not listening we’ll take some of his toys and give them back the next day)

Where are they?

Is it raining? (Only a little bit)

What are we going to buy? (Earplugs and beer hopefully)

Is it mud? (Yes, it was mud)

Did I poop in it? (No, it was just dirty and needed to be washed, that’s all)

Is it dirty? (Yes, see the above answer)

Is that a wet dog? (Yes)

Are we going to Aunt’s house? (No, they’re coming here)

When are they coming?  (They’ll be here very soon)

Can I borrow your pen? (No, but he promptly stole it and scribbled on my notes)

Is it washing hair night? (A dreaded time for the 3.5 YO, when you have to wash your hair, yes, it is)

How many questions does a toddler ask during a day?

At the end of the day he asked around 118 questions.  I know that I missed a couple of them, but 118 is as close as I can get without having my biographer with me.  Unfortunately, my biographer would either be his 18 month old brother, the litter box trained cat or the dog that peed in the house.   Given those options I’ll stick with my very close and unscientific answer.

I thought that our toddler would ask more questions in a day then he did.  It may have been an off day, we may repeat this a bit later when he’s older.  Have you ever counted or written down the questions that your toddler asked?  They are hilarious.  We write them down and save them in a word doc so that we can share them with his dates when he’s 17 or so.


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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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