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All Through My Town is the go-to children’s book in the house now

I love to read.   3YO Mojo likes to read too.   In a perfect world I’d have enough time to have a site devoted exclusively to comic and children’s books.  I state that to preface the fact that our son likes books but is picky and certainly has his favorite books.  Having said that;  All Through My Town by Jean Reidy has been his go-to book ever since he picked it up.

There is a copy of the book for giveaway purposes in the office now.  He came in today and said “What’cha doing?”  I told him that I was writing an email and he proceeded to look over the mess that is the table in the center of the room.

He picked up the giveaway copy of All Through My Town, said, ‘this is my favorite!’ and started to look through it.   I quickly reassured him that his book was safe and that this copy was going to someone else.*

All Through My Town pages

All Through My Town is the simple story of a child’s imagination and how they envision their town.  They see the baker, bus driver, school yard, streets and more.  The city is made up of various sized animals running about town doing normal activities that people do.  It’s written with short sentences or phrases that describe what the silly animals are doing in the town.

The illustrations are vivid and let the child tell the story of what’s happening in the town.  “There’s a rhino, a horse, monkey, zebra and…” our child will say as we read the book.  Because the pictures are so busy and fun we can have conversations about what’s going on around town.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I’ll ask him where the turtle is going, which animal is the tallest, his favorite and so on.  Our 16 month old likes the book too.  He’ll sometime crawl off during the middle of it, but he likes to look at the pictures when he sits in my lap.

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If you have a 1-5 year old they will love All Through My Town.  It’s also one of the rare books that parents will enjoy reading to their kids as much as the kids love having it read to them.  As a bonus, many of the words are easily memorable for small people so they can help you read it too.

We were provided with a complimentary copy of the book for review purposes.  All thoughts are our own. *I can assure you that 3YO Mojo put the giveaway copy away and yours will be new, crisp and waiting for your little one, or you. 

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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