Poster of Gunther Gebel-Williams back in the day

Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus-Dragons in Atlanta and Duluth Feb 13-Mar 3

3 YO Mojo is giddy. For the past two years we’ve been to the welcoming ceremony for the circus.  That’s the elephant parade for lack of a better term when some elephants and clowns come outside the arena the morning before the first show.  Those times he was too young to enjoy it, but now that he knows (and loves) all of his animals, he is primed to go this year.

Witness a conversation we had a breakfast the other day.

Me:  Do you want to go see the circus?  The animals, tigers, elephants and lions?

3YO: Yes, today?

Me:   No, they’ll be here in a couple of weeks and…

3YO:  They’re coming to my house after nap?

Not that close, but they are coming to the area and folks around Atlanta can catch it when they come to Phillips Arena February 13-18 or Gwinnett Arena February 21-March 3.


This year Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus is honoring the Year of the Dragon.  There will be amazing feats of flexible athleticism, mixed in with dragon lore and authentic circus feats.

In our family the apple is not far from the tree.  3 YO Mojo loves all animals, if this child is not a veterinarian I don’t know what he’ll be.  When I was a young mojo I too loved all critters exotic.  As proof of this I offer up my poster of Gunther Gebel-Williams, who I saw in person a couple of times as a youth.  I got the poster from a program that my parent’s got me when we went to the circus.  Being the poop culture packrat that I am, it was stored with all of my comic books.

Poster of Gunther Gebel-Williams back in the day

If you want to save money on tickets to Dragons, visit your local library.  If your child reads 5 books they’ll get a free ticket to Dragons with each paid adult ticket.  Full details can be found here.  You can follow them on twitter @RinglingBros or with the hashtag #RBBBATL when you go to the show.

 We were provided with ticket to attend Dragons at Gwinnett Arena.  All thoughts are our own; I really was a circus loving geek as a child.  The poster of Gunther really is mine; any man who can train a lion to ride horseback is a rockstar, especially to an 8 year old. 

Ringling program from 76

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

3 thoughts on “Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus-Dragons in Atlanta and Duluth Feb 13-Mar 3”

  1. I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. The circus was a favorite of mine too. Good times. Hope you guys have fun. My biggest (maybe not best) memory was the year they promised a unicorn. Big build-up, and at the end they wheeled out a white goat with a single horn growing out of the middle of its head. After the unicorn’s in Legend (starring Tom Cruise), I was a bit disappointed. Circus is good times, no matter what.

    The Cheeky Daddy

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