Odd Duck, a charming graphic novel about friends is great for ages 6+

The title to Odd Duck is appropriate.  This is the odd little story about two ducks, one who is an introvert and her new neighbor who is flamboyant.  The art is soft, rounded, cute and not what you’d think of when you hear the term ‘graphic novel’.  Cartoon book sounds too young.  This is definitely a book, but it’s more like a children’s book, with great illustrations-that anyone over 6 can read and enjoy.

Odd Duck is the story of Theodora, a nice duck who has her routine and likes things in their place.  She lives in a nice house, goes shopping in the local town and has her schedule down to a T.  One day Chad moves in next to her, he has colored feathers, lawn art and his house needs some repairs.

Initially she thinks he’s a crass know nothing.  That is until the winter when she realizes that he didn’t fly south for the winter either.  Over the winter they discover that they both love star gazing.  After that the two ducks become best friends talk about everything, swim and run errands in town.

Once spring comes the two are walking around town when they overhear some of the other ducks calling one of them ‘odd’.   Theodora thinks they’re talking about Chad, while Chad thinks they’re talking about Theodora.  They both apologize for the other one being ‘odd’ and then get in a big fight.

Odd Duck is written by Cecil Castellucci and illustrated by Sara Varon.  What’s great about Odd Duck is that, for a simple tale about two ducks, it conveys a lot of emotion.  I had heard great things about Varon’s earlier book Robot Dreams, and her emotive drawings in Odd Duck have persuaded me to check that out as well.

The story paired with the art work very well as the animals are realistic, but with a soft approachable feel.  For young readers it’s a great book because it teaches new words, but also has the pictures to help guide them along.

For older readers it’s like comfort food.  When you read a great board book to your children from Sandra Boynton you feel good.  Odd Duck plays like a longer board book that you’ll enjoy as much as your children.

Odd Duck is available on May 14,  2013.

We were provided with a digital copy of the book for review purposes.  All thoughts are our own. 

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

3 thoughts on “Odd Duck, a charming graphic novel about friends is great for ages 6+”

  1. I’m always game for comfort food,….oh wait, you didn’t mean me. I love the illustrations of children’s book. Kind of like my visual chocolate. Another good review. Thanks Mojo.

    The Cheeky Daddy

      1. I’m still working on illustrations. Hard with PT’s Barnum & Bailey Circuis in my house. I’m also trying to find the best way get them published. Self via tablets on iTunes. Self print a few and get them out to genereate interest. I’ve submitted a few to agents to try to get them interested in submitting to publishers, but no luck yet. Onward though. ONWARD!!!

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