Little Dinos Don't Bite, by Michael Dahl and Adam Record

Little Dinos Don’t Bite is a great book for bedtime and beyond

A great book to read to a toddler is one that has bright pictures, words in big font and has lots of energy.  The energy is great because it keeps you awake and provides a more entertaining story to the child.  Michael Dahl’s books fit these criteria and are some of the most entertaining books you can read to a crawler and up.    His latest book, Little Dinos Don’t Bite is no exception to his track record as it’s packed with energy, sharp drawings and a story that children can easily relate to.

That’s the other part about Dahl’s books that I like so much-they all teach a simple lesson.  Previously he’s had ducks or hippos teaching children to say ‘please’, ‘thank you’ or a story about going to the potty.  In 20 hardback pages he manages to create characters, tell a story and teach a lesson that is entertaining to children and adults.

The illustrators that Dahl works with vary.  In Little Dinos he’s working with illustrator Adam Record.  The pictures of the dinosaurs are loud, playful  and perfect for little people to relate to.

The story is all about a little dinosaur that has discovered his teeth.  He goes about biting his toys, shoes, furniture and some healthy food.   Never bite your mom-is what the book tells the little dinosaur, even if she is really sweet.

You wouldn’t expect a 20 page book to have a sentimental ending, but it does.  There are a couple different Little Dino books that also teach children about not hitting, yelling or pushing-all of which are awesome lessons to learn.

If you don’t have any of his books they really are a must have addition to your children’s library.  Dahl is in our top 5 children’s authors along with Patrick McDonnell, Sandra Boynton, Dr. Seuss and Karma Williams.

Little Dinos Don’t Bite is available February 1, 2013.  We were provided with an advance digital copy of the book. 

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

2 thoughts on “Little Dinos Don’t Bite is a great book for bedtime and beyond”

  1. Sup Mojo,

    I have a half dozen children’s books that are written, and getting illustrations completed. I wonder if the world is ready for another dino tale (no pun intended…). I met with the art director and also the lead layout artist at Disney Global Publishing a while ago. They both said as long as there is a story to be told, that is well told, you’ll have work. I think trying would be better than burying it, yeah?

    The Cheeky Daddy

    1. Get out you cheeky author you. Yes, push on good sir. It is all about the story and even if, if two stories are similar, this one is your story and worth telling.

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