Robledo Family Wine from California Wine Club

The California Wine Club review

When our sons were born our friends were nice enough to give us some gifts.  There were the requisite blankets, baby toys and diapers.  All of the gifts were appreciated; but some were more appreciated than others.  One gift that is always timely and very much appreciated is wine, but if you don’t live close to the person you want to give it to then what is your option? 

Enter The California Wine Club, they ship wine to you or a friend as a gift.  What’s more the wine that they ship is from smaller vineyards that produce the best wine that California has to offer.  They’ve been in business for 20 years, travelling California wine country and getting their best wines before they make it to local stores.

We were pumped when our wine arrived.  It was tightly packed in Styrofoam and we were ready to drink it the moment it arrived.  But, we had to wait.  A friend of ours is much more knowledgeable about wine than us and we wanted to share it with him.

Robledo Family Wine from California Wine Club

When we started to drink it I knew I liked it, but I wanted to get his opinion.  He agreed that it was good wine and I could then continue to enjoy my glass of red while watching The Magnificent Seven, great movie BTW if you’ve never seen it. We received a Robledo red and white.  While they were both good I preferred the red because it had a ‘smokey’, deep flavor that was more fun to drink.

All of the wine comes with a 100% guarantee, there is no ‘membership’ fee, you can order once, quarterly or monthly-whatever you’d like.  In each shipment you’ll receive two bottles of wine that you can mix and match any way you’d like, 2 reds, 2 whites or mix them up.

They’ve also got options where you can receive international wines, aged cabernet-for the wine connoisseur, wines from the Signature Series or their most popular, Premier Club.  If you order a wine, really like it and want to order it again you’ll save up to 50% off of that wine on future purchases.  Shipping is also included in the purchase cost.

As part of this blog tour The California Wine Club is giving away a variety of prizes.  At the end of November they’ll be drawing 52 winners AND THEN at the end of December ANOTHER 52 winners.  Which prize would you like? We’ll be posting that giveaway very soon, keep your eyes open!

Bottom line, this is a nice, affordable, unique gift that will actually be used, unlike that china you got for your wedding.


This review was made possible by Mom Spark Media. All thoughts are my own and the post was written many days after I drank the wine.  I received a 2 month Membership to the California Wine Club for the purpose of this review.


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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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