Wasabi peas, an awesome hot snack

Date night: Food for A Cabin in the Woods #CouchCritics

Date night for married folks can take many forms.  Sometimes it’s a spontaneous night on the sofa or perhaps an evening that’s planned out where you get a baby sitter and actually leave the house.  It is so important for couples to leave the house once in a while.  We do have those nights, but more often than not we have movie night at Chez Mojo.

Even when we have movie night there are a couple things that we do to make it special.  It can be a thing that we always do or one that happens only on special occasions.

Grilled Wing Chicken

My palate gets bored.  One such weekend we were about to grill out and I wanted something different.  I took the chicken we were going to grill, poured hot sauce over it and left it to marinate for a couple of hours.  Occasionally I would poke the chicken with a fork to let the hot sauce soak in.  Poking it made me want to do something else to it, so I added garlic and some other spices.

Once the chicken got off the grill my wife had the bright idea to put some blue cheese salad dressing on the side to dip it into.  Thus was born our favorite date night recipe.  It’s got just enough bite to wake up your palate, but not enough to require entry into a hot pepper eating contest.

When we have date nights this chicken recipe will often be our go-to meal.  It’s yummy, good for you and simple to fix, plus my date for the night seems to really like it!  We purchased a gaggle of things for date night at WalMart, you can dig all of the photos on our Google + page.

 Grill central

After the chicken soaks in the hot sauce for a couple of hours toss them on the grill.  The chicken strips won’t take long to cook.

Hungry dogs-Do Not Feed

Do not feed the dogs, even if they look cute and one of them has a bandage on her ear.

The Wasabi Peas

With a stay at home date night a treat is a great thing to have.  It’s an element of surprise and can be something very simple.  For our date night a couple of weeks ago my wife brought home a Peppermint Patty (which I devour).  For our most recent date night I took a gamble and got some Wasabi Peas.

I like food with a taste of wasabi.  She likes wasabi with sushi, but hadn’t had it in snack form without my knowledge.  Thankfully, my wife loved them too and they were a nice surprise to our stay at home date night.

Wasabi peas, an awesome hot snack

Movie Overview

A Cabin in the Woods is a genre bending horror, science fiction movie.  It’s co-written by Joss Whedon who did Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The Avengers.  The writing in Cabin is sharp, funny and not at all what you expect.  Cabin is bloody, more funny than scary and well worth your date night time if you’re OK with a little gore.  This easily gets a Couch Critics rating of 4 out of 5 couches.

Gun magazines-good selection at WalMart

If you take your zombie movies very seriously, then you can also choose from a wide variety of gun magazines while at WalMart. 

We rented A Cabin in the Woods from Redbox.  Hint:  go online to Redbox and reserve the movies you want there, that way all you have to do is pick them up.  For other movie and game reviews you can check out Couch Critics.

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ #CBias #SocialFabric.  All thoughts are my own, wasabi should be mandatory with sushi and really is a tasty snack-honto yo.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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