For the past two and a half weeks I haven’t shaved. Not that I want to share my bathing and shaving habits with any readers, but I do like a good challenge. Shaving wasn’t a challenge per se, but the folks at Phillips Norelco challenged a couple of guy bloggers to ditch the blade and try going electric. For the record I’ll also accept any challenges that revolve around duct tape and/or bacon.
My first step was to grow the facial hair. That step is easy for me, but very difficult for my bride. She hates my facial hair and I’m right there with her. It itches, gets thick very quickly and often catches food particles. As fun as it is to say to sat that your moustache is merely a ‘flavor savor’, in practice it’s quite disgusting and we want it off our face ASAP.
During the NHL playoffs many players don’t shave. They already look tough though. For the record, some of their brides, just like mine, don’t dig the facial hair. Carrie Underwood, you and my wife should go bowling, PS. Sign a poster or something for me too OK?
Some guys love having facial hair and look great with it. That is not me. While it fills in quickly on me, it fills in with something akin to steel wool. First up we’re trying the Phillips Norelco Vacuum Stubble and Beard Trimmer Pro.

The Stubble and Beard Trimmer Pro was great because we could still enjoy the guy perks of not shaving, but enjoy a clean look. For me the ‘guy perks’ of not shaving include looking tougher, manly and more apt to wrestle a bear. Of course, none of those things actually happened, but I look much more mysterious to people that don’t know me, so they could happen.
It’s also cool because my facial stubble has the salt and pepper look. Now I look mysterious and have character. Unfortunately the down side to the salt and pepper look is that I’m aging. For the record I’ll accept also accept any challenges that include a time machine or reverse aging procedure.
I haven’t shaved for almost three weeks, but because I’ve been using the Stubble and Beard Trimmer, the hair is short (1mm) and in control. There also hasn’t been any mess in my sink because the device has a built in vacuum to suck up all of my short beard clippings. If you have longer facial hair the trimmer can trim longer (up to 18 mm) and with the included attachment can comb/cut.
The vacuum feature is a great feature for us. Our plumber may not like it because that’s less often we have to see him, but I liked it. Our bride also liked the vacuum feature because it didn’t create a mess in the sink, which I would not have cleaned up.
Bottom line
The Phillips Norelco Vacuum Stubble and Beard Trimmer Pro did a better job than expected. It neatly trimmed my facial hair to appear that the growth was daily, when in fact it has been weeks. I also only charged the device once and it’s still trimming my facial hair with no hesitation. The charge light on the device is still over 50%. Additionally, the chamber that catches the clippings is easy to clean.
The next step
Much to the delight of my bride, I shave. We’ll use the Phillips Norelco AT830 to see how it mows down my newly coiffed face.
Disclosure: I received 2 Phillips Norelco products for review, a beard trimmer and a shaver. All opinions are always 100% and my own.
I got a clean shave once in the last 5 years. Then I realized I looked like Ned Ryerson, and decided never to get a clean shave again.