Walt Disney World is an incredibly large place to visit. I worked there for two and a half years and recently visited for the first time in 15 years-and with a family. Despite the time since my last visit many aspects about having fun in the parks at Walt Disney World have remained the same. We took the trip as a family, but these tips work for anyone visiting any of the parks.
Avoid the Funnel
The funnel is not a spinning ride that makes middle aged dads nauseous. The funnel is the affect that happens around an area where many people are going into a smaller space. Sometimes the funnel is unavoidable. However, most of the time the funnel is avoidable and your vacation will be more enjoyable if you spend less time looking at the backs of other tourists.
Don’t stop in intersections or immediately after a ride to look at your map. Step to a corner or just before you enter an intersection. Most tourists will stop in the middle of an area and figure out where they’re going-this takes more time than needed and happens in the worst possible place. Ask a cast member where something is, they can point you there immediately.
If you know where you’re going you can also cut through the stores or restaurants that are at most intersections.
Be a good Tourist
A vacation is a happy thing. If you applaud or yell when your ride operator gives you verbal cues they will do a better job. Nobody wants to do something for a crowd of people who don’t want to be there. An enthusiastic crowd will make your ride or tour better because your cast member will know that you want to be there. Hint: if you encounter a cast member that does a really good job take down their name so that you can give them a compliment as Guest Services.
Know when to say when
You may not get to all the rides, shows, attractions or characters and that’s OK. If you’re tired and feeling crabby go back to the hotel and rest a bit, Disney will still be there when you get back.
Stay on property

In related news, it would behoove you to stay at a hotel on Walt Disney property. You’ll have access to the bus system and there is a price point for every budget. The best thing is that you’ll be able to participate in Extended Theme Park Hours. If you stay on property then you’ll be able to enter a park up to 1 hour early or stay up to 3 hours past normal closing. The parks that participate in Extended Theme Park Hours vary; but they’re all worth it because most of the attractions will have no wait at all.
My attendance at Walt Disney World was part of Disney Social Media Moms, was not compensated and they did not require that any posts be produced. This post represents my views and is simply being written as informational.
These shall now be known as the Disney World Set of Rules. Very necessary, especially when the parks are at peak attendance.
Yup. When the parks are at peak the extra hours are a lifesaver. We worked at The Caribbean for a little while, great hotel, affordable and close to lots of parks.
Great advice for DisneyLand too. I used to go under stress and duress until we had kids. Now it’s just so enjoyable to see them at the parks.
My biggest pet peeve is when people stop in front of a long line of people.
Cutting through stores is probably the most helpful navigation tip available!
Great post.
Testify and thanks. The long lines at WDW can be avoided.