Disney Social Media Moms is a social media conference in Orlando. It focuses heavily on motivation and overcoming obstacles. Disney Social Media Moms is attended by lots of mom bloggers, a couple Disney bloggers and a couple dad bloggers.
The conference is invitation only and you pay your way; but the Disney magic is in full effect everywhere you go. You stay on Disney property, get passes to the parks, some SWAG bags and get treated to amazing dinners and entertainment.

Since becoming a stay at home dad, I stay at home most of the time, it’s my job. Once the kids are asleep I’m tired from the mental and physical beat down dished out by a toddler and his 7 month old assistant. At night I manage a couple social media accounts and write articles for some clients. On those rare nights when I get out of the house, the fact that I’m already behind schedule and have to work into the night is always on my mind.
“The Golden Ticket” is how some bloggers explained being invited to DSMMs. Additionally, I knew the names of the bloggers that were attending this event and they’re the best family bloggers in the hemisphere. I’m famously cheap/frugal and paying for seminars or conferences is a luxury that I’ve never done.
I have only been to two social media seminars but one of them I did pro bono work for and the other one (BlogHer) I won tickets to attend. Paying for a seminar was something that I was too cheap to do, or just didn’t realize the value of face to face networking, IRL, if you will.
It helped that Mommy and Toddler Mojo came with me to Orlando. Even though I knew that I’d be networking or in seminars for the majority of the time I wanted them to experience the customer service and atmosphere of Disney. They played in the parks of course, but it was the fact that our son walked into the pool, instead of having to be carried, that was the high point of her vacation.
The consistency of Walt Disney World is one reason why its customer service is unparalleled. Every single day at the parks is so perfect, the cast members are on top of any issue, they anticipate problems and there is literally a ‘happy’ vibe there.
DSMM was a two-fold experience, with one half being the seminar’s speakers and the other half being the magic that is Walt Disney World. As an ex cast member of WDW, I ‘get’ the magic, but had never experienced it as a consumer. When I was there I didn’t appreciate why it’s considered the destination for the world and not just a ‘theme park’. I get it know.
There were pearls of wisdom that were dispensed during the seminars. I’ll share those later, for now I simply wanted to acknowledge the importance of meeting people off line and spending quality time with the family.
As an attendee of Disney Social Media Moms I paid my own way, but aspects of the trip were discounted and complimentary items were given. There was no requirement to post about the trip and all thoughts are my own.
Your such the man dude, getting invited to all these events. Represent the boys well, as I’m sure you did.
Just a bit sir and thank you. Your traffic is enviable. I saw your pictures from Bike Week, good fun it looked like.
It is nice to see that they include some of the dads.
Indeed. Dada Rocks was there and a couple Disney dudes who are also dads who blog. Just having a seat at the table to put in ideas was rewarding.
Lucky dude! I want to hear more about it, the seminars, etc.? Did you hang with my buddy Kimberley aka @TheGoToMom ?
It was great fun and I did meet @TheGoToMom, she is strong and her video skills speak for themselves. A post on the speakers is coming up and #DadChat Thursday PM.