That sounds like a rule or decree from the home office. Henceforth, all babies, within the Mojo house shall wear that which locks wetness, moisture or potentially smelly things in thine diaper. In reality it’s not a decree, it’s just the way we roll.
Currently we have a toddler that wears a size 6 and a marshmallow baby that wears a size 4. We were offered the chance to try the new Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers. For us, that’s like being offered the chance to review electricity or water. We use it, need it and can’t imagine not having it around to put on our baby’s bottom, the diapers that is, not the others.
Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers features a new, improved Leak Lock. Huggies has always kept Toddler Mojo dry. There was a brief period when we tried something else for him; but it was leak central at Urinetown and the population was spreading.
Having used the new and improved Huggies diapers we can testify that it locks out wetness like a frog trying to get into a mosquito convention. During long naps, busy mornings, even overnight (praise the saints-the kids sleep through the night!) there are no leaks.

Huggies also made improvements to their wipes. They’ve got a couple different varieties out there and we tried the Natural Care wipes. The wipes were used to clean dried, crusty bits off of the kitchen table, as well as, dried crusty bits off of Toddler Mojo. We also used them to wipe down the tables, chairs and various toys in the playroom.
Another plus about the wipes is that when you pull one, only one comes out. I don’t want two wipes, I want one wipe. The only time I like for many things to appear out of a small space are clowns coming from a car; wipes for my child’s bottom should come out one at at time.
You can follow Huggies on Facebook or Twitter where they’ll post ideas, contests or other things relating to children. They also welcome ideas or stories about how you put their products to extreme tests.
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central for Huggies. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.