Happy Hippo, Angry Duck

4 books every toddler should have in their library

Toddler Mojo has loved to read ever since we can remember.  The books that he’s liked have changed over the past two and a half years.  Brown Bear was big for a while, followed by Polar Bear and Ten Apples on Top, which he still likes. If you’ll have a child who’s just over two and half soon, or need a gift for one, here are some books that ours really loves now.

Happy Hippo, Angry Duck
Happy Hippo, Angry Duck

Happy Hippo, Angry Duck by Sandra Boynton

If you don’t have any Sandra Boynton in your child’s library then it is not complete.  Happy Hippo, Angry Duck is a great starting point or continuation of the style and characters that Boynton has in her books.  She uses animals in all of her books and they’re drawn very large and emotive, with each one expressing how they feel even without the words.  The words compliment the drawings and make each of her books that we’ve read fun for all, even mom and dad.

Once Upon a Time with Winnie the Pooh

Once Upon a time with Winnie the Pooh
Once Upon a time with Winnie the Pooh

We received this book as a baby shower gift and I was not excited about it.  The book is big, thick and each story is about 18 pages long.  Granted that doesn’t seem like a big book, but for children’s stories it can take a while to read them.

When Toddler Mojo turned 26 month he started to request this book.  “Winnie Pooh”, was his request as he brought this very large book to us.  The stories are a bit more difficult for us to get through, but he loves them.   For a while he was sleeping with the book.  We’d go in there at night to turn off his light and his face would be jammed up against a heffalump.  Side note for parents: you know you read this book a lot when you start to order a hefeweizen, but say heffalump.

Danny and the Dinosaur
Danny and the Dinosaur

Danny and the Dinosaur by Syd Hoff

This book was originally printed in 1958.  It’s old school and toddlers still love it.  I loved it as a kid, stumbled across it at the library, forgot that I enjoyed it, read it to Toddler Mojo and remembered why kids love it.

Our son loves dinosaurs.  He can’t say dinosaurs; he just calls them “Osours” and brings us whatever it is he wants us to read.  For parents Danny and the Dinosaur is great because the sentences are short and are easily recognizable to a toddler.

Danny and the Dinosaur has some new school additions where they go different places.  Those editions we’re not familiar with, but if it’s anything like the original it’ll be a hit for any toddler.


Sesame Street Guessing Game
Sesame Street Guessing Game

Sesame Street Shaped Board Book –Guessing game books

These are 4 board books that are packaged together.  Cookie Monster, Elmo, Grover and Big Bird each lead a book that teaches kids about animals, food, shapes or colors.  At one point Toddler Mojo has loved each of these books; right now his favorite is Grover’s Guessing Game about Animals.  The pages are cardboard, the pictures are bright and you’ll like reading them as much as they like the pictures.

These are just 4 of the books that our toddler likes now.  Is there a book that your little person likes that we need to read to him too?

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

2 thoughts on “4 books every toddler should have in their library”

    1. We loved Harry the Dirty Dog as a child also.  If it’s available at the library sale this weekend we’re all over it.  The older books that are long seem short.  That’s our issue with the Pooh book that our child loves.  He loves it, but the stories seem long, ‘Danny’ does not. 

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