By now your little person may be settling into a routine. Cry, eat, poop, sleep, then cry, eat, poop and sleep till the next day comes around. There are a couple of things that have happened in the past week that just might escape your attention.
The Eyes Know
Look at their eyes. They’re moving and following things. I first noticed it when my wife walked past us one day during a feeding. His perfectly rounded eyes tracked her going across the room. It’s a simple thing, but one that will really make you smile.
Goodbye newborn, hello baby!
Classification is a subtle thing, but your newborn child is now a baby. From a newborn to an infant who is now a baby, your child may have as many names as P. Diddy. At least your child’s classification didn’t change to some symbol that can’t be pronounced.
Goodbye simian Michael Myers, hello baby!
![A simian Michael Myers A simian Michael Myers](
![Michael Myers mask from Michael Myers mask from](
As stated previously, classification changes. It can also be said that every baby is beautiful in their own way, but some babies are prettier than others. Charlie, our 8-week old has been handsome from the day he arrived off the baby boat. However, there have been a couple instances where I’ve looked at him and thought that he resembled a baby monkey.
Recently I snapped this picture of him which is adorable because it’s his older brother holding him. It’s also an interesting photo because he looks like Michael Myers from the Halloween movies. To be specific, he looks like a simian version of Michael Myers. Thankfully this phase didn’t last long and he just looks like a curious baby now.
Enter the marshmallow baby
This is a fun phase as a parent. Your baby is starting to get rolls of skin. Think “marshmallow baby”, now say it. See, it’s a fun thing to say too. Your 8-week old is getting bigger and saving all that skin so that when they grow they’ll have something to stretch in to.
Hold your head up
Our little dude is holding his head up whenever he gets the chance. Usually it’s when he’s laying on our chest after a bottle. He’ll crane his head up for a couple seconds, wobble up and down and then crash on your chest. He still needs support obviously when he’s carried around, but it’s fascinating to see how far he’s come and think about how much further he has to go.
It’s also cool to hum Hold Your Head Up to yourself while your 8-week old is exercising on your chest. The song is certainly Argent’s most well known tune. If you like this song then you should also check out The Zombies. Their lead singer, Rod Argent formed Argent after The Zombies, which has a greater catalgue, but isn’t as well known for any one song. In a perfect world everyone would know The Zombies and think that P. Diddy was a children’s game. Cue the grumpy old man exit music.
Cute, time goes by so fast.
Very true, the little dude is about to out grow the basinet.