Can the Brother P-Touch Ambassador Program help Mojo’s garage?

At one point in my life I was a messy, disaster of a man.  I’ve written here how I once had to clean my house with a leaf blower.  One would think that such a public (and noisy) display of messiness would convince me to clean up my act and to an extent that is correct.  On the positive side, I’ve never had to clean the house with a leaf blower again, but certain areas of the house, namely the garage and office, are in constant need of organization and a clean-up.

P-Touch Test Kit

Being organized and clean are two separate things, but if you’re organized, you’re more likely to be clean.  To that end, I’m really glad to be part of the Brother P-Touch Ambassador Program.  I was sent this dangerous looking box that contained a plastic block with a P-Touch label adhered to it, in addition to a couple other labels.


Test Zone clean
Test Zone dirty

Their intent on sending the kit was to challenge the durability of the labels.  Being a stay at home parent I know what makes a mess so I found items that stain easily and are tough to remove.  Blueberries, strawberries, a crayon and mud were ground together and spread on the label, where it stayed for an hour.  The mess that your toddler makes won’t be immediately found, so to give this nasty brew an hour to dry is appropriate and in line with real life.

It cleaned up easily

A quick paper towel wipe got the solid garbage off the label.  Afterwards a quick spray of cleaning solvent and another wipe got the plastic block looking as good as the day it left the plastic block farm.

Based on that dirty experiment, the P-Touch Label Maker produces durable labels that are strong and easy to clean up.  I put the two additional labels in the garage to test their durability, once the room gets organized.  Organization is a major step towards being clean and if the P-Touch can keep me organized then my wife and child can keep me clean.

Test Zone Edger

However, I used to be a messy, disaster of a man and can bring cleaning products to their knees.  I made a couple more labels.

One of the labels I put on the underside of the edger.  The underside of an edger is a filthy, grass stained place where mud comes to dry and innocent bugs meet their doom.  We’ll use the edger for a month and see how the P-Touch label stands up to the underside of a spinning plastic cord and thousands of moist grass blades.

Abby loves to play in the dirt
Abby's bandana will be very dirty soon

Another label was put on Abby.  Specifically the label was put on her bandana.  Abby is a flat coat retriever that loves to dig in the dirt, chase squirrels and play in the water.  She’s filthy most of the time and will give the P-Touch label a run for its money.

Very soon, we’ll organize the garage, label more things and try to keep that area just a bit safer, cleaner and more organized.  The progress or story of the garage overtaking me to where I look like a Borg with tools as appendages; will all be posted here.


“I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Brother P-Touch and received a product and gift card to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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