Daddy Mojo reads: Green Lantern Secret Origin

Green Lantern Secret Origin is a collection of the Green Lantern comic book series 29-35 that were originally published in 2008.  However, it was those issues that the upcoming GL movie takes its jumping off point from and is a good primer for all levels of pop culture.

Carol Ferris
Carol Ferris

It starts out with Hal Jordan remembering his childhood where he grew up with a hero father who flew in the Air Force.    As a child Hal also meets Carol Ferris, the daughter of the owner of Ferris Air.  Her future relationship in the Green Lantern universe is complicated, in this introduction she’s just the person that grows up to run Ferris Air.

Green Lantern moto
Green Lantern moto

Abin Sur, the Green Lantern that crash lands to earth has a nice twist to his back story.  He’s ferrying a nasty alien through space and the ‘black’, ie, the blackest night, that will surely pop up in future movies if the first one is successful.  All of the characters that you’ve seen in the commercials for the movie are given a place and function in the Oa.

The story seems like it’s a loose screenplay for the movie.  If that’s the case there is still enough that the graphic novel doesn’t say to leave fans of Green Lantern looking forward to the movie.

The movie comes out in June and has one of the best trailers we’ve ever seen.  It gives away no plot secrets, yet is very detailed and as thrilling as some of the movies we’ve seen.



Green Lantern artwork
Green Lantern artwork

As a stand-alone graphic novel Green Lantern Secret Origin is very good and will keep fans of the character entertained and won’t confuse the new audience.  The artwork was done by Geoff Johns and is quite pretty.  Obviously there are lots of strong green colors, as well as, black, red and yellow.  It’s also a ‘classic’ comic in the sense that it’s imaginative and detailed, without being too graphic or inappropriate for the younger set of kids.

Speaking of the younger set of kids, if you’re planning a Green Lantern themed birthday party for them Mocha Dad has some great ideas for that.  If you want to take baby steps into the Oa, Green Lantern Secret Origin is a great place to start.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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