Daddy Mojo’s Ortho Weed B Gon Max test

I like to mow the yard, as I suspect most dads do also.  The results are immediate, it involves a noisy power tool and you get exercise at the same time.  You also get that fabulous smell of cut grass.  I don’t like to weed.  Weeds are annoying and ugly, with some of them having those prickly things on the end for good measure.

Every summer I buy weed killer.  I’m not really particular in what weed killer I purchase.  Every bottle I’ve seen has some guarantee of weed killing mojo on them.   I just want it to kill weeds.  Every dad can agree with that, they just want to spray the live weeds, have them die, then not spray again for a long time.

The problem is that I’ve never bothered to see if that guarantee that weed killers have on the bottle really stand up.  In the past I’ve always sprayed the weed killer again, with no measurement of how well the weed killer worked.  However, that is not happening this year.

The back porch on April 2

Late last summer I purchased a jug of Ortho Weed B Gone Max.   Today I thoroughly sprayed the remainder of that jug on the back patio.  I took pictures today and will take pictures every couple of days to monitor the patio’s progress.  I’ll continue to take photos every three weeks so that Ortho’s progress, or lack thereof, can be monitored.

To make things interesting I’m going to purchase a jug of competing weed killer for the front driveway.


Dad, your weekend time is valuable and you, like I, have spent too much time on spraying wack weed killer on the weekends.    I’ll keep you updated occasionally in these posts about weeds that will hopefully grow on you.  The posts, that is, the posts will grow on you; the weeds will die…or be savaged with harsh commentary from an angry dad.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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