Keeping family pets safe on Halloween

Most of the families that we know do have a pet of some kind.  That’s a great thing because pets can really teach children a lot about responsibility, as well as, provide laughter and lots of love.  Just like young children, Halloween can be a confusing time of year for our cats and dogs.  These tips will help you get through Halloween, with a happy, healthy pet.

Keep the pets in a closed room

We put our dogs in the laundry room with the radio turned on.  This way the dogs won’t be alarmed by the costumes or people outside.    Even if your dog is mellow and loves everybody, the numerous people in costume will cause them to not act normal.  Don’t leave the dogs outside in the backyard for the same reason.    

We keep the cats in our bedroom.  The front door will be open and closed quite often; by keeping the cats in the bedroom we can be certain that they’re safe and inside.

If you’ve having a Halloween party that will have lit candles keep the pets in a closed room too.  We were at a party once and they had several candles on the floor, in addition to two long haired cats.  While the cats weren’t hurt too badly, they did get their tails fried, the owners shaken up and the party ended early.

Pets in costume

Dressing your pet up in costume can be cute.  However, if the costume is uncomfortable then your dog will be unpredictable.   If your dog is irritable then they won’t be themselves, difficult to walk and won’t be any fun at all.  Try a test run with the costume.  If your dog doesn’t mid it too much and they have the temperament to handle lots of people then go for it.   

Pets love to eat

If any of your pets will try to eat your Halloween treats it’ll be the dogs.  Raisins and chocolate can be toxic and fatal to dogs-don’t let them get near the candy.    Put the candy up on a high shelf or someplace safe that you know they can’t get to.  If you want to get a Halloween treat for your pet go to a pet store, get a bone or some catnip for the felines.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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