Prior to when we had a family I was a city hipster. I was shocked at the sight of the Halloween decorations in September and aghast at the Christmas stuff that seemed to go out at the same time. This is our first holiday season where Baby Mojo is old enough to enjoy anything around him. Last year he was just an infant who woke up occasionally to have a bottle and wonder what all the fuss was about.
Now that he’s old enough to express emotions, I understand why the Christmas decorations go out in early September.
Since 2001 early September also means the anniversary date of 9/11. I can’t intentionally watch any of the coverage that airs each year. If I stumble across it, I’ll end up watching it until it’s over, either crying, feeling remorseful or angry.
I didn’t know anybody in either of the two towers, but it still affected me. I think about 9/11 every day and I have not forgotten. Sadly I think that some people have forgotten, gotten soft or have completely given up regarding the porous borders and hyper political correctness that exists in both parties of US government.
I love to study archaeology. In the spring of 2001 there was a disturbing report of a religious group in Afghanistan that was about to destroy two massive statues of the Buddha that was carved into a mountain.
The group was the taliban and they did destroy the statues in March 2001. Of course they were planning far more dastardly things, blowing up two 2,000 year old statues in their effort to rid the country of all things non Islamic was just the start.
An army that doesn’t wear uniforms is more difficult to defeat, especially when they hide behind religion and their home government is corrupt or struggling to find their feet. History can teach us lots and the U.S, as well as, most of the world has not hunkered down for the timetable that the militants are on.
If they despise western culture so much then please turn off the electricity, the internet and stop printing books (because Guttenberg would be pissed..)
Every civilian that died in 9/11 is a hero. The thought of simply boarding an airplane and being swept up in some person’s warped suicide pact brings me to a boil. Then I think of the courage that they must have had on the planes as they did what they had to do.
Heroes, pure and simple; I wish they didn’t have to be, but they are.
Factor in the responders and construction workers who went to the crash afterwards and the hero factor increases. I still pause when I think of what every person must have felt and saw as they went into the towers as they were on fire.
Christmas Lights

I like the fact that we live in a country where we are able to purchase Christmas lights three months before Christmas. Sure, it can be annoying, but it’s the give and take of living in the U.S.A. You have a right to build a mosque on the grounds of 9/11 and a fringe pastor looking for PR in Florida has the right to burn a Koran; neither one is smart or advised, but you have the right to do it.
We’ll decorate our house for Christmas with a couple animated moving reindeer. It won’t be enough to be seen from space, but it’ll be festive and won’t disturb the neighbors. You can celebrate Bodhi Day, Yom Kippur, Eid al Fitr or any other holiday that you want to, that’s another fabulous thing about the U.S. I dare say in most of the countries that hate us don’t even allow symbols of other religions, much less a structure to be built where folks can worship.