I made a mental pact with myself never to enter Baby Mojo into one of those children photo contests.
You can vote until 11:59 p.m. on August 7 and praise the spammy saints, you can vote up to five times from the same email address.

Rescued Pet Idol is put on by Atlanta Intown. If you want to look at all the animals just go to their site and view all the great rescued critters.
If you want to vote for Wilson, the best Golden Retriever mix on this blog, then go ahead and send an email to vote@atlantaintownpaper.com, with Wilson, #20 in the subject.

Wilson is a 12 year old Golden Retierver mix who loves bones. I adopted him because he ‘danced’ in his cage. He would jump up and walk on his back two legs smiling at anybody who walked past his cage. His adoption chart said “potentially destructive”, that didn’t scare me off. Over time he did chew up some things, but they were my own fault for leaving them out around him.
Wilson is a rockstar dog and appreciates your vote. You can vote up to five times before midnight on August 7.

I’m busy schilling for Wilson tonight, but have an all new tale of parenting gone awry tomorrow.
Great idea I love this
continue with the the good work on the blog. Do like it! :p Could maybe use some more updates more often, but i’m sure you have got better stuff to do like we all do. =)
cool web site u have btw
With all the doggone snow we have gotten recently I am stuck indoors, fortunately there is the internet, thanks for giving me something to do. 🙂
I am Glad i came across this website.Added it to my bookmark!