Are you pregnant?

Ladies, most men know never, and I mean never ask outright if you are pregnant.  Having said that, lets detail a conversation I had at a popular big box store the other day.

I was in line to return some merchandise and there was one person in front of me who was about to finish when a second cashier walked up behind the counter.  When I got to the counter I heard the following conversation.

Cashier #2 said to #1:  Oh, if that happens again I’m going to go into premature labor right now.

Me:  Without looking up at the woman I said, “Oh cool, you’re pregnant, when are you due?”

Cashier #2:  “I”m not pregnant, do I look pregnant?”

Me:  I looked up at this point, suspecting something was amiss.  “I don’t know if you look pregnant or not.  I’m just responding to your statement that you may give birth right here”

Cashier#2:  “Oh, I can’t imagine having more than four children”

Cashier #1 to #2:  “You’re not right”

Grrrr…..If it was a court of law I would claim entrapment.  

Women always look like they’ve lost weight, are five years younger then we think they are and look skinny in that dress.   Oh, and your hot friend really isn’t attractive at all or prettier than you, I was just looking at the car over there.   Men know the answer to these questions without being asked.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

2 thoughts on “Are you pregnant?”

  1. Hey. I found this first bite of mojo a real treat. Im very far removed form the world of pregnacy but seem to be finding if everywhere this week. Thanks for sharing the weird encounter. I would likely not even comment if you were in a Blanqi

    1. Why thanks Randy. I too am far removed from the world of pregnancy, but in the eye of the storm regarding the aftermath. Ditto your site. Great seeing you the other night and nice to finally check out your sites. We’ll see you at one of those tweetups or blog info sessions I’m sure.

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