My ride on the #despicablimp

There are things that I never knew I wanted to do until I was presented with the opportunity to do them.  After being provided with the opportunity to ride the #despicablimp  I knew that this would be one of those things.  A.  It’s a blimp, and the only time you ever see those things is at major sporting events.  B.  It’s a Despicalbimp in the shape of a Minion from Despicable Me.

It’s a blimp and a cartoon character.  If they served bacon on the flight I would’ve signed up for anything to allow the experience not to end. 

“You won’t see any fasten seat belt signs on the airship”, our burley tour guide told us.  At the time I didn’t understand what he meant.  The seating cabin in the despicablimp can accommodate about 10 passengers, depending on their weight.

Holding the despicablimp

In getting the safety breakdown about the blimp I learned that airships in the 40’s and 50’s were up to 6X larger than this one.  Looking at the Despicablimp up close that’s difficult to fathom because it is a large aircraft and imagining them that large boggles the mind.

Nose of the despicablimp

Sitting in the #despicablimp is akin to being weightless.  We sat on the field for a moment and then the propellers started to move the blimp over the grass.  All of a sudden the blimp took a 90 degree incline and kept climbing.  It makes sense because that’s what airplanes do in order to go high; I just figured a blimp would float up.


After :60 of climbing we settled at 1,000 feet and circled the area.   It’s like a masseuse in the sky, the blimp ride was so relaxing, and more of a kayak ride than a trip in an airship.  The pilot then told us that he steers the despicablimp like a kayak, moving his feet in tandem with his hands.

All of the photos are on Daddy Mojo’s G+ page. 

The #despicablimp is going around the U.S.  When you see it snap a photo to Instagram or Flickr, using the hashtag #despicablimp.  One lucky person will win a trip to see the world premier of Despicable Me 2 in Hollywood-and a trip in the despicablimp.  Track where the #despicablimp is going by visiting

despicablimp rear view


We were not compensated for this post, but were provided with a trip on the despicablimp-which was awesome.  All thoughts are our own, any similarity between the author and yellow, bald Minions are entirely coincidental.  

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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