Baby shower gift ideas to get the Dad involved

Baby shower gift ideas to get the Dad involved sounds like a challenge akin to a camel fitting through the eye of a needle.  Husbands who (mistakenly) attended one of their wedding showers may be under the impression that baby showers are as fraught with dangerously laced estrogen.

Certainly all of your baby showers shouldn’t have men invited, women need to get their female on and us guys are willing to assist you by doing noting and not attending.  Alas, in some situations the party to honor the coming bundle of joy can be as off putting, unless you follow these tips.

Themed parties

One of our baby showers was diaper themed.  There were a couple diaper cakes, made of three tiers of small diapers.   At the end of the party we took our bottom layer diaper cake, in addition to the leftover snacks, home.

Give the baby gifts for when they’re older

A baby only needs on blanket and odds are that the mother has one with the babies name embroidered on it already.  Ditto the rubber ducks and booties.

If you’re going to give diapers, give them size 4 or 5.  If they’re having a boy, give them something that a two year old boy would like.  We received a box full of new Matchbox cars from a friend of the family.  Great gift!  Yeah, he was just an infant, but now that he’s 18 months old he loves them and so do I.  Cardboard books are another great thing to give because you can read it to them now and they can enjoy them when they’re just a bit older.

If you’re having a girl, give the couple whatever a two year old girl would like.  I have no idea what a two year old girl would like.  I know it’s not a box full of Matchbox cars, but it’s probably something pink.


Guys love games.  We’re lazy creatures that immediately become interested whenever a game is introduced to the concept.  A game where you’re blindfolded and then guess the flavor the baby food was a hit at the one baby shower I attended.  There was another game where the people attending asked questions about my wife and I, but I forgot that game, sorry sweetie.  Wait, that game was at the one wedding show I attended, which by the way was made better with food and beer.

Promote that you’ll have food and beer

Granted this is low hanging fruit, but it helps to get the basics out of the way.  Have the party at a house with an outside deck, outside cooler and a grill and the men folk will only come in to get more cupcakes.

We’re open to anymore great ideas on promoting the dads in the diaper showers.  Have you got any  ideas that might help dad in these deep, but not hopeless, pools of mother fun?

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

3 thoughts on “Baby shower gift ideas to get the Dad involved”

  1. I can only tell you that I am so glad that I’ve moved beyond this stage in my life. The last shower I went to had to be 7-8 years ago. Great ideas and I’m gonna let you run with them.

  2. I’be seen great guy showers where the men bring things THEY think the guy needs…great. fun seeing gas masks, rubber gloves, and other stuff…and yes, there was beer and a big cake.

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